New version released with the following changes:
- Due to differences in firmware between .AS cameras and normal cameras a checkbox and exposure setting have been added to the Auto Capture settings tab. The .AS cameras have a firmware limitation on the maximum auto exposure limit which prevents the auto exposure from compensating for correct exposure on transition to dark. For this reason users with this camera type can select the checkbox indicating they are using a .AS camera and put in their preferred exposure time (in seconds) for evening capture and the software will now use this as the exposure setting instead of forcing the camera to auto exposure mode.
- The auto capture frequency has been changed to seconds instead of minutes to allow for more frames to be captured during a night and allow users to be able to select a combination that allows for a continuous capture without gaps to give smoother looking time lapse and prevent missing of events.
- Fixed issue requiring the user to manually remove old version before running the installer. The updater should now be working correctly.
Please report all bugs and issues via the website contact form so that they can be addressed in future releases.
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