For your convenience, our most common questions are answered right here.
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Q: What operating systems does the software run on?
A: Currently the software is tested and working with Microsoft Windows™ Vista, 7, 8 and 10.
Q: Will Windows Windows XP be supported in the future?
A: Due to the fact that Windows XP is no longer supported by Microsoft and that the .Net framework 4.5 was not a supported feature on an XP machine then no release will be made for that platform.
Q: What type of cameras does the software work with?
A: Any camera manufactured by The Imaging Source™
Q: Are there any special requirements to operate the software?
A: The software requires Microsoft .Net 4.5 or higher to operate. The Microsoft web installer package is included in the installer if you do not already have it and an internet connection is required to connect to Microsoft and download the installer files. The full package is not included to keep the overall size of the Sky Cam installer package down.
Q: Are any drivers required?
A: The only drivers required are the ones that should have already been installed when you set up your camera but copies of all current drivers are included and can be found in the program folder for Sky Cam. All other components required for camera control will be installed automatically.